Jul 22Liked by Kate West

Beautiful Kate! I love reading this Song Medicine Oak & Snake encounter! I love your heart & devotion -your song catching & sharing! Yes to the morning prayers & the offerings of song & praise from roots to yoni to heart & crown. Circle of life loving itself into being!

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May we continue to praise life and love life together…for eva!!! Love you.

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Such beautiful imagery and important teachings. Thank you for sharing your voice in song and in writing. Much love.

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Thank you Debra 🐝 love you.

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I resonate with this so deeply. Thank you for bringing your voice to the pages. To the wild. To me. I will be forever grateful to you for bringing song and sound back into my world.

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Beautiful share, thank you 🙏🏾

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Sending you and your beautiful family love, Yamuna.

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Tears of joy and happiness! Thank you Sister. ✨️💗🙏

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💛💛💛💛💛💛 soul sister!!!

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